The Romance of Maps
I found MapInfo while rooting around in the network at a now defunct investment bank on a slow day. (I don’t play computer Solitaire.) To my delight, there were vectors and layers and datasets — just the thing to accompany a lady’s afternoon tea. The sector that had acquired the program had no idea how to use it. My supervisor was stumped when the job came in. I asked if I could take a look at it, as I had been messing around with MapInfo. My supervisor was tickled when he saw what I did with the maps.
“Jayne, you’re a goddess! I love it when you learn things!”
I don’t think I did the Israel map on any special software. But vector is always neater than raster, especially if it’s just a photocopy.
And here’s the nice letter I got from the Energy Sector —>
Epilog: MapInfo has gotten completely out of control. It’s now MapInfo Pro, and it will take you to outer space. Not this old diva. If you want plain old Earth maps, we can do that for you. Government data or your data. Routes, points, and charts. Interactives. Here. On this planet.